Forage Extension Program
Forage Extension Program



Forage Timely Tips for February

  • Remove animals from waterlogged pastures to limit pugging and soil compaction.
  • Continue grazing stockpiled tall fescue if available.
  • Assess grass stands. If thin, consider frost seeding legumes.
  • Begin frost seeding with at least 6-8 lb/A red and 1-2 lb/A ladino white clover on closely grazed pastures.
  • On pastures with lower fertility, consider adding 10-15 lb/A annual lespedeza to the above recommendation.
  • Consider applying N at 40 lb/A in mid to late February on some pastures to promote early growth (not on frost seeded pastures).
  • Sign up for shared use drills for spring renovation.
  • Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil test if not done in fall.
  • Control problem weeds like buttercup in late February when day temperatures are forecast above 50 degrees for 3 consecutive days.


Contact Information

1100 Nicholasville Rd. N-222 Ag Science Bldg North Lexington, KY 40546-0091