Establishment: Match plants to the intended use
Plan for maximum quality and versatility in the forage program. Select plants that produce high-quality feed, and use each field for hay, silage, and/or pasture as weather and feed needs dictate. Legumes generally produce higher-quality feed than grasses, resulting in higher animal performance. Thus, legumes should be used to the maximum extent possible. Taller-growing legumes, such as alfalfa and red clover, are more versatile than a legume such as white clover, which is used primarily for grazing. Grasses such as orchardgrass, timothy, and tall fescue are better adapted than bluegrass for hay and silage. Some farmers want pure alfalfa for horses or dairy cattle. Timothy-alfalfa mixtures work well for this use, since most of the timothy growth is removed each year at the first cutting. The grass helps control weeds and aids in getting the first hay harvest cured, but subsequent harvests during the season are almost pure alfalfa. Warm-season grasses can help balance cool-season forages by providing better production during summer months. Annual crops can be used to complement perennial grasses and legumes. County Extension offices have publications about each of these forages.