2025 Kentucky Fencing Schools - Tompkinsville
2025 Kentucky Fencing Schools - Tompkinsville
In-PersonThis program is designed for producers and agricultural professionals to learn the newest fencing methods and sound fencing construction through a combination of classroom and hands-on learning
Last Revised: Feb 7th, 2025
Event Description
Organized and Sponsored by the Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council, UK Cooperative Extension Service, and the Master Grazer Program:
This program is designed for producers and agricultural professionals to learn the newest fencing methods and sound fencing construction through a combination of classroom and hands-on learning.
7:30 Registration and Refreshments
8:15 Welcome and Overview of the Day – Chris Teutsch, UK
8:30 Fencing Types and Costs – Chris Teutsch, UK
9:00 Fence Construction Basics – Eric Miller and Payton Rushing, Stay-Tuff
- Perimeter fences vs. cross fences
- Fencing options on rented farms
- Proper brace construction
- Line posts and fence construction
9:45 Break – visit with sponsors and presenters
10:15 Electric Fencing Basics - Jeremy McGill, UK and Nick Chism, Gallagher
- Proper energizer selection and grounding
- Proper high tensile fence construction and wire insulation
- Electric offset wires for non-electric fences
- Underground wires and jumper wires
11:00 Innovations in Fencing Technologies - Josh Jackson, UK • Wireless fences, fence monitoring, fence mapping
11:30 Overview of Kentucky Fence Law - Clint Quarles, KDA
12:15 Catered Lunch - visit with sponsors and presenters
1:00 Hands-on Fence Building
- Safety, fence layout, and post driving demo - Jody Watson and Tucker LaForce, ACI
- H-brace construction - Jeremy McGill, UK, Nick Chism, Gallagher & Eric Miller and Payton Rushing, Stay-Tuff
- Knot tying, splices, and insulator installation - Jeremy McGill, UK, Nick Chism, Gallagher & Eric Miller and Payton Rushing, Stay-Tuff
- Installation of Stay-Tuff Fixed Knot Fence - Eric Miller and Payton Rushing, Stay-Tuff
- Installation of High Tensile Fencing - Jeremy McGill, UK & Nick Chism, Gallagher
4:30 Questions, Survey and Wrap-up