Novel Endophyte Tall Fescue Renovation Workshop
Novel Endophyte Tall Fescue Renovation Workshop
In-PersonLast Revised: Feb 12th, 2025
Event Description
Advanced Registration required $40, includes lunch and educational materials
Topics Covered:
- Toxicosis Management
- Seed Quality Establishment
- Novel Endophyte
- Tall Fescue Products
8:45 Welcome Dr. Ray Smith, Kentucky
9:00 Tall Fescue Toxicosis: Symptoms and Causes Dr. Leanne Dillard, Alabama
9:20 Toxicosis Management Dr. Katie Mason, Tennessee
10:20 Understanding Endophytes Dr. Joe Bouton, Georgia
10:45 Break
11:00 Seed drill calibration - Dr. Chris Teutsch, Kentucky
11:25 Establishment and First Year Management Dr. Ray Smith, Kentucky
12:00 Lunch
12:50 Novel Endophyte Products, Company representatives
1:15 Seed Quality and Testing Dr. Carolyn Young, North Carolina
1:45 Economics Dr. Matt Poore, North Carolina
2:30 Cost Share and Incentive Programs Krista Lea, Kentucky
3:00 Survey
3:15 Producer Panel Moderated by Dr. Chris Teutsch, Kentucky
4:45 Adjourn