Ray Smith

Last Revised: Dec 7th, 2023
Professional Biography
Extension activities include working closely with county agents and producers; conducting applied forage research for Kentucky and the transition zone; helping organize state, regional, national, and international forage conferences; and writing forage extension publications.
Research projects include evaluating forage varieties for grazing tolerance and yield, developing forage and biomass production systems, pasture evaluation methods, and developing computer teaching models.
Honors and Awards
- Chair, Continuing Committee of the International Grassland Congress, 2015-2019
- President, American Forage and Grassland Council, 2014
- Medallion Award, American Forage and Grassland Council’s Highest Award, 2013.
- Garry Lacefield Public Sector Award, KY Alfalfa Conference. 2009.
- KFGC Public Award State. Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council. 2008.
- UK Outstanding Project Award, UK Horse Pasture Evaluation Program. 2008.
- American Forage and Grassland Association Merit Award, 2005.
- Virginia Forage and Grassland Association Merit Award, 2005.
- Life membership in the Manitoba Forage Seed Association, 2001.
- University of Manitoba Outreach Award, 1999.
- Resolution of Commendation by the Manitoba Forage Seed Association for Outstanding Contribution to the Seed Industry, 1998.
- Teacher of the Year Award, Agriculture Diploma Program, 1997.
- E. Broadus Browne Award for Outstanding Graduate Research, College of Agriculture, University of Georgia, 1988.
- Books, Manuals or Chapters – 3
- Refereed Journal Articles – 38
- Refereed Conference Proceedings - 19
- Refereed Extension Bulletins - 46
- Research Reports – 32
- Computer Programs Developed – 4
Presentations to Professional Audiences with Proceedings – 199
New varieties:
- Alfagraze alfalfa (91) and Cut’n’graze alfalfa (92)
- 18th Green bentgrass (92), 86-02 bentgrass (01), and 86-01 bentgrass (02)
- Taylor little bluestem ecovar TM (01)
- UM-EcoBG blue grama ecovar TM (02)
- UM-EcoJG prairie junegrass ecovar TM (02)
Courses taught at the University of Manitoba: Crop Production, Grassland Agriculture, Advanced Plant Breeding, Introduction to Soils and Crops, Forage Crops
Courses taught at Virginia Tech: PLMS Decision Support Software (special topic graduate course); Guest lectures in Dairy Production, Beef Production, and Forage Crop Ecology
Undergraduate Guest Lectures at University of Kentucky: Turf Management, Capstone Course – Forage Module, Beef Cattle Management, Equine Management
Additional Undergraduate Guest Lectures at Asbury University: Plant Taxonomy, Equine Management, Plant Physiology, Senior Research, Agricultural Missions
Master’s Candidates
Major advisor – 14
Service on committees – 31
Doctoral Candidates
Major advisor – 3
Service on committees – 9
Post-doctoral – 5
Undergraduate Senior Research Projects Advisor - 21
Equine Internships - 4